
Good Bye 2018 Hello 2019

Wow 2018 went bye so quick. I can't believe we are already in 2019. It was a year and a half ago where we started working on this idea. You can see in the picture below and the video behind how far we came.  .

It Doesn't Seem Like it but...

We actually did a lot of work. This is what we've accomplished so far:
1. We took an idea and made it into an actual product. that people want to buy 
2. We learned how to negotiate royalty agreements to pay artist for the use of their logo
3. We partnered with Dancesafe on two hydration packs. We are donating 50% for their #weloveconsentcampaign and 10% for our Babysteps Hydration pack
4. We signed a royalty agreement with Chomped Creations (original Baby Steps Pin creators) & Lobo - an amazing Chicago producter.
5.We built a website (kind of)
6.  We met Dion Timmer's girlfriend in the forest when she saw me wearing the X Hydration pack. & talked about making a hydration pack fro Dion
7. Created the Dion Timmer Hydration Pack & got to give it to him & Ken on Halloween.
8. Bear Grillz let us launch a Hydration pack contest for the Hydration Pack we made to tell him Thank you
9. Give KJ Sawka the Destroid Hydration pack we made for him.

Goals for 2019

1. We are meeting with a charity organization to discuss sewing everything locally. It would be epic if we could work with them while keeping the cost down.
2. Redoing our website to make it more user friendly. with better content
3. We will be launching our custom shop soon so our users will be able to completely create custom designs. We don't know what pricing will be on this yet.
4. We are also trying to build our partnerships with charity walks 

I hope this update helps to put things in to perspective 

KJ Wearing our Destroid Pack

  • Me, Keb, & Dion, 

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Thank you guys again for all the support! 
Until next time

Tom Nalian
Co-Founder MyHydrationPack

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